WMO launches innovative tool to track climate service capacities..Africa most vulnerable

WMO launches innovative tool to track climate service capacities..Africa most vulnerable
By Marwa Nassar - -

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has launched the Climate Services Dashboard, an innovative tool designed to track climate service capacities globally.

It enhances data-driven planning and resource allocation, ensuring climate services play a complementary role in national climate action plans.

This interactive platform supports decision-makers, National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs), and development partners by providing insights into climate policy, climate services capacities, and investment trends, helping them align resources and strategies accordingly.

It helps identify gaps and opportunities in key sectors like agriculture, health, energy, and disaster risk reduction. It is an indispensable tool to support sustainable development.

Serving climate policy insights, this tool tracks how climate services are integrated into national climate policies (in Nationally Determined Contributions, NDCs).

As for climate service capacities, this tool evaluates the ability of WMO members to deliver essential climate services to support climate action across sectors.

converning investment trends, this tool monitors funding directed towards climate service projects.

As for Country-Specific pages, this tool Provides detailed information on national priorities, capacities, and funding trends.

In the past five years, there has been progress in provision of climate services for decision-making. But big gaps remain and investment lags far behind need, according to WMO’s 2024 State of Climate Services report.

In 2024, only 14% of WMO Members were equipped to provide advanced climate services.

Africa remains particularly vulnerable, with 15% of Members providing climate services at less than basic levels.

The majority of WMO Members provide climate services to agriculture and the water sector.

However, a significant number of WMO Members still do not provide tailored climate projections and sector-specific products, limiting the effectiveness of climate adaptation efforts.

The biggest portion of investments are being directed toward Asia and Africa, due to the regions’ high vulnerability to climate impacts.

Climate services are the provision of climate data, information, and knowledge to assist decision-making. Climate services require appropriate engagement between the recipient of the service and its provider to co-produce services that can support specific decision-making processes, along with an effective access mechanism to enable inclusive communication and timely action.

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