Tomsky: inDrive seeks improving quality of life of one billion people

Tomsky: inDrive seeks improving quality of life of one billion people
18 / 07 / 2024
By Marwa Nassar - -

CEO and Founder of inDrive International Arsen Tomsky said the company seeks improving the quality of life of one billion people and realizing a positive impact on the world by 2030.

He made the remarks on the fringe of a press conference held by the company on the success story of the company’s establishment.

Tomsky said inDrive allocates 10 percent of its annual revenues for the initiatives adopted by the company, adding that there is a five-year plan to finance new initiatives; 50% self-financing and 50% financing of company’s revenues.

inDrive will in the coming period establish six non-profit universities, including one in the Middle East, he said.

He noted that the company is currently investing in supporting startups, adding that an initiative was launched to support startups in the technological domain.

He referred to supporting female entrepreneurs in the field of technological companies via the Aurora Tech Award as women do not get the same support which men enjoy.

He added that there is another initiative to prop up technical companies existing in marginalized areas or not having enough resources, like Underdog Tech Award.

The inDrive CEO added that there is a sports initiative for children in small cities, which focuses on football, purchasing sport equipment.

He added that there is currently an entertainment ceremony in Egypt attended by 200 participants, highlighting support for competitions that achieve inclusion of women and handicapped.

inDrive seeks achieving inequality, he said, noting that the company will introduce more initiatives to serve Egyptians.

Egypt is one of six top countries in the region where the company achieves highest revenues, he said, noting that the company swallows about 40% of the smart transportation services market in Egypt.

For his part, Ilya Gusakov, Director of EMEA at inDrive, said the company seeks increasing partnerships with other bodies in Egypt, noting that the main target of the company is supporting emerging companies.

Moataz Toba, Senior Business Development Representative of inDrive in Africa and the Middle East, said the safety element is one of the company’s most important priorities, as drivers are hired after checking their official papers, such as the criminal record, noting that the company is keen on reviewing user ratings of the drivers.

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