India’s Ecoplore encourages more eco-friendly hotels as tourism accounts for 8% of CO2

India’s Ecoplore encourages more eco-friendly hotels as tourism accounts for 8% of CO2
By Marwa Nassar - -

Ecoplore – India’s first booking website dedicated to eco-friendly hotels, or ‘eco-stays’ – lists  hotels that engage in environmentally friendly practices such as sourcing locally grown organic food, using energy-efficient lighting and proper management of waste.

The tourism industry is estimated to contribute 8 percent of global greenhouse gases. When factors such as construction of hotels and the energy needed to facilitate tourism are considered, this figure might go much higher.

The idea of launching Ecoplore was first mooted when Prerna Prasad— who lives in India – was seeking to spend a vacation with her husband in Malaysia in an eco-friendly hotel in 2016, it took her weeks to search in the internet for an eco-friendly hotel. Therefore, Prasad – a member of the Young Champions change-maker community—decided to launch Ecoplore.

After this experience, Prasad made it her mission to help other environmentally conscious travelers like herself. She even quit her job to dedicate more time to this passion.

The result is Ecoplore—India’s first booking website dedicated to eco-friendly hotels, or ‘eco-stays’ as Prasad likes to call them. Eco-stays are hotels that engage in environmentally friendly practices such as sourcing locally grown organic food, using energy-efficient lighting and proper management of waste.

“Eco-friendly hotels are such an amazing experience. Every place we stayed was unique, built using local materials and none of the hotels were made of concrete,” she said.

Ecoplore only list eco-stays that are made from non-concrete materials such as wood, stone and mud. Hotels wishing to be listed must also have at least 33 per cent green area. “By green, I mean trees and forests; not lawns or grass.” adds Prasad.

It remains important for Prasad to uphold such strict criteria for greenery, not just for beauty, but also for environmental and health benefits that greenery has to offer.

A mature tree can absorb up to 150 kg of CO2 per year, playing an important role in climate change mitigation and improving air quality. Forest cover also provides a habitat for numerous animals and plants, enriching biodiversity.

“At Ecoplore we promote those hotels in unknown destinations that are working towards environment conservation at a local level. We personally visit and verify every hotel before deciding to take them on our platform.

“We investigate them by staying there for a night and we pay for everything—no favors are taken. We observe every detail and if the intent of the hotel owner is more for environmental conservation and not only for making money, then we decide to enlist them,” Prasad affirms.

This eco-stay aggregator is changing the way new hotels are being constructed in India. Hotels promoted by Ecoplore are getting more customers, improving their businesses.

Rob de Jong, Head of United Nations Environment Program’s Mobility Unit, said: “People around the world are starting to think deeper about their travel. There is much that individuals can do to reduce the impact from their travels. From the mode of transport they take, to their destination, and while they are at their destination, the places where they stay. This initiative is a welcome help for the more environmentally conscious traveler.”

Efforts from change-makers like Prasad promote Sustainable Development Goal 12: Sustainable consumption and production patterns, promoting a greener economy.

“One of the things that gives me most satisfaction is that hoteliers who would have built a concrete building and damaged a beautiful location now want to build beautiful mud houses instead. That’s a very positive development,” Prasad says cheerfully.

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