FARM+ to partner with Egypt, 8 other states for sustainable, climate-resilient agriculture 

FARM+ to partner with Egypt, 8 other states for sustainable, climate-resilient agriculture 
30 / 12 / 2024
By Marwa Nassar - -

FARM+ will partner with the governments and agricultural stakeholders of Benin, Costa Rica, Egypt, Gambia, Ghana, Mauritius, Mexico, Nepal, and Nigeria to pave way for sustainable, climate-resilient agriculture.

FARM+ will partner with these countries to improve policies and regulations, increase access to financing and investment, provide technical assistance and introducing alternatives, improve agricultural supply chains, and support global knowledge disseminated and exchange.

Funded by the Global Environment Facility and led by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), FARM+ is the second phase of the Financing Agrochemical Reduction and Management (FARM) program and will be implemented by the African Development Bank Group, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, UNDP, UN Environment Program, and the UN Industrial Development Organization in very close coordination with FARM, which is led by UNEP and the Global Green Knowledge Platform (GGKP).

The program aims to support countries in transitioning from unsustainable agricultural practices to sustainable and climate resilient agricultural practices in a manner that protects, regenerates, and improves productive landscapes and soil health and reduces soil and water pollution as measures for adaptation through nature-based solutions and access to adaptation support.

FARM Progam is a five-year, $37-million project, with an additional $ 342 million in co-financing. Its objective is to catalyze a framework for regulatory and financial investment to detoxify the agriculture sector by eliminating the use of the most harmful inputs to food production systems. FARM has a particular focus on leveraging finance from public resources and the financial sector, and aims to align policy, enforcement, and finance towards the environmentally sustainable management of pesticides and agricultural plastics.

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