Survey: 80% of asset managers, asset owners see sustainability as path for pursuing growth opportunities
A majority (80%) of asset managers and asset owners see sustainability as a path for ...
Nestle Egypt copped the BT100 Awards of 2021 for the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the environmental domain.
Director of Nestle Egypt Marketing and PR Nahla Kamal received the award during a ceremony held on Tuesday under the auspices of Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli.
The fourth edition of the BT 100 honored a number of iconic figures who contributed to promoting national economy.
BT 100 commended the efforts exerted by companies and influential figures in the business and economic domains in accordance with the Egypt Vision 2030 and state economic reform plans.
The event was sponsored by heavy-weight economic institutions, including Hyde Park, Talaat Mostafa Group, City Edge Developments, Orientals for Urban Development (OUD), Inertia, Marselia Group, Telecom Egypt (WE), Etisalat Misr, Vodafone Egypt, Pepsic Egypt, GLC, CIB, Beltone Holding, e-finance Co., Castle Development, Mountain View, Tatweer Misr, Inertia, Marselia Group, Castle Development, Cairo Festival City Mall, DHL Express Egypt and Benya Group.
A majority (80%) of asset managers and asset owners see sustainability as a path for ...
Green bonds have surpassed $1 trillion in annual issuance, showing the financial viability of sustainability-focused ...
The World Bank (WB) delivered a record $43 billion in climate finance and are channeling ...
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