Artificial Intelligence key global tool for containing coronavirus

Artificial Intelligence key global tool for containing coronavirus
By WAM - - -

The influence of Artificial Intelligence, AI, and smart services has increased around the world while robots, drones and electronic services have become key global tools for controlling the emergence of coronavirus, COVID-19, and preventing its spread.

The UAE has developed an integrated system of electronic and smart services, which has reduced the number of required auditors and physical customers of relevant authorities.

The UAE’s electronic services system, which is one of the best in the region, provides leading services, such as clearing government and private transactions, banking services and electronic shopping. This system has played a key role in reducing waiting lines and assisting various government and private entities.

In addition to smart and electronic services, remote and flexible working has improved the chances of success of preventive measures taken in the event of infectious diseases without affecting business and the quality and speed of public services.

In 2010, the Prime Minister’s Office of the UAE Government prepared a strategy for improving government services. The launch of the government’s electronic portal in 2011 also contributed to this effort.

In 2013, a stage of transition began towards fully transitioning to a smart government, so a two-year period was set for government agencies to accomplish the shift.

The UAE Government launched the first store for smart government applications in the world that are available in various platforms. The store offers hundreds of smart applications developed by federal and local authorities.

In October 2017, the UAE Government launched the UAE Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, which covers the progress of national services and sectors and future infrastructure.

The strategy, first of its kind in the region and the world, aims to boost government performance at all levels; use an integrated smart digital system that can overcome challenges and provide quick efficient solutions and make the UAE the first in the field of AI investments in various sectors.

China’s experience in facing the spread of coronavirus and its use of robots, drones and smart devices has caught the eye, confirming that AI will play a critical role in facing health challenges and eliminating them globally.

In this context, Dr. Kamran Khan, Founder and CEO of BlueDot, a company that specialises in tracking epidemics, highlighted the necessity of utilising data and technology in combatting coronavirus.

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